Source code for fluff

#                                       #
# Author: Fredrik Boulund                        #
# Date: 2011-07-18                               #
# Version 95                                     #
#                                                #
#   Contains the following functions:            #
#    parse_hmmsearch_output                      #
#    parse_sequence_positions_from_hmmsearch     #
#    count_nucleotides_from_hmmsearch            #
#    fixfasta                                    #
#    classify_qnr                                #
#    extend_sequences_from_hmmsearch             #
#    retrieve_sequences_from_hmmsearch           #
#    retrieve_sequences_from_db                  #
#    uniqueify_seqids                            #
#    run_blastclust                              #
#    parse_blastclust                            #
#    deuniqueify_seqids                          #
#    malign_clusters                             #
#    limit_sequence_length                       #
#    retrieve_sequences_from_fasta               #
#    cleanup                                     #
#                                                #
#   Contains the following custom exceptions:    #
#    PathError                                   #
#    ParseError                                  #
# Copyright (C) 2011 Fredrik Boulund

##           PARSE HMMSEARCH OUTPUT              ##
[docs]def parse_hmmsearch_output(filename,MIN_SCORE=0): ''' Parses and retrieves sequence score, maximal domain score and sequence IDs from an hmmsearch output file. Input is: file filename string to hmmsearch output MIN_SCORE a float with minimum score threshold Output: returntuple nested tuple with the following contents; score_id_tuples, dbpath where score_id_tuples contains triplets with sequence score, domain score, sequence id, and dbpath contains a string with the path to the database searched by hmmsearch. Errors: ParseError raised if the file does not conform with hmmsearch output format (i.e. does not begin with '# hmmsearch ::'. ValueError raised if no sequence in the hmmsearch output is found with score >= MIN_SCORE. ''' from os import path import re MIN_SCORE = float(MIN_SCORE) # Initialize the list of sequence IDs sequence_ids = [] sequence_scores = [] domain_scores = [] file = open(filename,"r") line = file.readline() if not line.startswith("# hmmsearch ::"): raise ParseError("NOTE: File is not a valid hmmsearch output file: "+filename) while file: line = file.readline() # Extract the path to the database where to collect the sequence data dbpattern = r"# target sequence database:\s*([\w\d\./-]*)" foundpath = re.match(dbpattern,line) if foundpath is not(None): dbpath = path.abspath( #print dbpath #Troubleshooting # Match to find the sequence score, maximum domain score and sequence ID # from the list of results pattern = r'^.{13,14}?(\d+\.\d).{18,20}\s(\d+\.\d).{17}\s([\w\d\._|-]*)' found = re.match(pattern,line) # Find the first match to the pattern # If the DOMAIN score is higher than or equal MIN_SCORE count it as a # preliminary hit and store the sequence ID and scores. if found is not None and float( >= float(MIN_SCORE): sequence_scores.append( domain_scores.append( # Attach the database name to the sequence id for easier identification sequence_ids.append( #print,, #Troubleshooting elif line.startswith(">>") or line.startswith("//"): # Now we stop reading the file! break file.close() score_id_tuples = zip(sequence_scores,domain_scores,sequence_ids) if score_id_tuples == []: raise ValueError else: #print "Found",len(sequence_ids),"sequences above score",MIN_SCORE returntuple = (score_id_tuples,dbpath) return returntuple ############## END parse_hmmsearch_output ##-------------------------------------------------------------## ## COUNT NUCLEOTIDES SEARCHED FROM HMMSEARCH OUTPUT ## ##-------------------------------------------------------------##
[docs]def count_nucleotides_from_hmmsearch(hmmsearchfiles): ''' Takes hmmsearch-files and summarizes the number of nucleotides searched. Input: hmmsearchfiles a list of hmmsearchfiles (paths) Output: total_residues an integer with the number of nucleotides searched ''' import re regex = re.compile(r'\((\d+) residues\)') total_residues = 0 for hmmsearchfile in hmmsearchfiles: residues = 0 for line in open(hmmsearchfile): hit =,line) if hit is not None: residues += int( total_residues += residues return total_residues ############## END count_nucleotides_from_hmmsearch ##-----------------------------------------------## ## FIX BADLY FORMATTED FASTA FILES ## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def fixfasta(sequences): ''' Takes a list of sequences and tries to correct their formatting. Designed to be used only in the the function retrieve_sequences_from_hmmsearch... Input: sequences list of sequences, each in one complete string with \n markers between identifier line and sequence. Output: outsequences list of sequences with hopefully better formatting. Errors: (none) probably a lot... :) ''' from math import ceil outsequences = [] for sequence in sequences: splitstring = sequence.split("\n",1) number_of_rows = int(ceil(len(splitstring[1]) / 80.0)) seq = [] if number_of_rows > 1: for row in xrange(1,number_of_rows): seq.append(splitstring[1][:80] + "\n") splitstring[1] = splitstring[1][80:] seq.append(splitstring[1]) # + "\n") seq.insert(0,splitstring[0] + "\n") seq = ''.join(seq) else: seq = sequence outsequences.append(seq) return outsequences ############## END fixfasta ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## CLASSIFY SEQUENCES AS QNR ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------##
[docs]def classify_qnr(sequence_length, domain_score, func="", longseqcutoff=75, longseqdef=85): """ Classifies a sequence as Qnr or not. Using the domain_score and a hardcoded (or user defined function) to classify a given sequence as Qnr or not. Input: sequence_length an integer with the sequence length. domain_score a float with the domain score for this sequence. func an optional function to determine classification. longseqcutoff the classification cutoff (minimum score) for long qnr sequences. longseqdef the definition for long sequences. Output: classification a boolean determining whether it should be classified as Qnr or not. Errors: (none) """ # Define a hardcoded function if none given if func == "": func = lambda L: 0.57*L + 3 # Pretty self-explanatory. Has a range in which the classification # function is used, determined by the first if-statement if (int(sequence_length) >= int(longseqdef)) and (float(domain_score) >= float(longseqcutoff)): return True elif int(sequence_length) < 10: # HARDCODED MIN FRAGMENT LENGTH return False elif int(sequence_length) < int(longseqdef): if float(domain_score) > func(float(sequence_length)): return True else: return False else: return False ######################### END classify_qnr ##-----------------------------------------------## ## PARSE SEQUENCES POSITIONS FROM HMMSEARCH ## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def parse_sequence_positions_from_hmmsearch(filepath, seqid_list, min_score=0, func="", longseqcutoff=75, longseqdef=85): ''' Retrieves aligned sequence positions from the hmmsearch output file for domains that can be classified according to the classification function. Uses classify_qnr implicitly. Input: filepath path to hmmsearch output file. seqid_list list with sequence IDs to retrieve. min_score the minimum domain score, default=0. func (lambda) function used to classify fragments. longseqcutoff parameter for the classification function. longseqdef parameter for the classification function. Output: seqsnutts a dictionary with sequenceIDs as keys to list containing tuples with position information for the domain alignment hit. Errors: PathError raised if the hmmsearch output file can not be found at the specified location. ValueError raised if no sequences are found in the hmmsearch output file. ''' from os import path import re #print ("NOTICE: Can only retrieve sequences from hmmsearch output if " # "hmmsearch option --notextw was enabled!") filepath = path.abspath(filepath) if not(path.exists(filepath)): raise PathError("ERROR: The path specified from which to parse sequence " "'coordinates' is not valid.") seqid_list = list(seqid_list) file = open(filepath,"r") sequences = [] #PREALLOC # Regular expression to match the line containing the scores and coordinates of the alignment of the # domain to the HMM. # example line: (the vvv's designate what's interesting) # vvv vvv vvv # score bias c-Evalue i-Evalue hmmfrom hmm to alifrom ali to envfrom env to acc # 1 ! 413.3 4.9 1.6e-125 1e-120 3 217 .] 12 226 .. 9 226 .. 0.99 # ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) regex = r'\s+\d+\s.\s+(\d+\.\d).+..\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+..\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+..' regex = re.compile(regex) # Create a dictionary that will contain key -coordinates for sequence alignments # from the hmmsearch output. If several coordinates exists (multiple # domains match) they will be added to the list for the correct # key (sequence id) seqsnutts = {} while file: line = file.readline() if line == "": break # EOF for sequenceID in seqid_list: if line.startswith(">>") and (sequenceID in line): # THE FOLLOWING WAS CORRECT UNTIL I DISCOVERED A SPECIAL # 'FEATURE' IN HMMER3 THAT MAKES THE NEXT STATEMENT INVALID. ## Step down three lines; ## they contain nothing of interest #for a in xrange(1,4): # line = file.readline() line = file.readline() # We are currently on lines where there are alignments alignments = True while alignments: hit = re.match(regex,line) if hit is not None: domainscore = leftpos = rightpos = # Compute the sequence length, +1 is important! sequencelength = int(rightpos)-int(leftpos)+1 # CLASSIFY SEQUENCES USING CLASSIFICATION FUNCTION if classify_qnr(sequencelength, domainscore, func, longseqcutoff, longseqdef): try: seqsnutts[sequenceID].append((, except KeyError: # This happens when this is a new sequenceID seqsnutts[sequenceID] = [(,] line = file.readline() # Break when we reach the end of the alignments # for this sequence ID (an empty line) if line.startswith("\n"): alignments = False #break inner loop #This should never happend if seqsnutts == {}: raise ValueError # No sequence was found! return seqsnutts ############## END parse_sequence_positions_from_hmmsearch ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## EXTEND SEQUENCES FROM HMMSEARCH ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------##
[docs]def extend_sequences_from_hmmsearch(hmmfilepath, seqid_list, min_score, dbpath, extendleft=0, extendright=0, func="", longseqcutoff=75, longseqdef=85): ''' Retrieves "a little more" than the matching domain hits from the hmmsearch output. It also classifies the hits and discards those that do not meet the criteria. It prepends the fasta headers with source information according to source file name and folder name. Input: hmmfilepath path to hmmsearch output file. seqid_list a list with sequence IDs to retrieve. min_score a primitive first classification. dbpath system path to the source FASTA file/database. extendleft an integer with the number of amino acids to retrieve off the lefthand edge of the hmmsearch alignment. extendright an integer with the number of amino acids to retrieve off the righthand edge of the hmmsearch alignment. func (lambda) function for use in classify_qnr, if this is "" then classify_qnr will use a hardcoded function. longseqcutoff longseqcutoff for use in classify_qnr. longseqdef long sequence definition for use in classify_qnr Output: sequences a list of sequences retrieved message a string with error message (if any) Errors: ''' from sys import argv, exit import subprocess, shlex from os import path # List of strings with error message if any errmessages = [] # Make sure the seqid_list is a list # This will crash the script or something if the input is not # already a list or a tuple. seqid_list = list(seqid_list) # Set the stepleft and stepright parameters, try: extendleft = int(extendleft) except ValueError: errmessages.append("NOTE: Could not interpret extend parameters, used extendleft=0") extendleft = 0 try: extendright = int(extendright) except ValueError: errmessages.append("NOTE: Could not interpret extend parameters, used extendright=0") extendright = 0 # Find the matched domain sequence positions from hmmsearch output seqpositions = parse_sequence_positions_from_hmmsearch(hmmfilepath, seqid_list, min_score, func, longseqcutoff, longseqdef) # Name of the database and source file, to be appended to the sequence identifier # Parsed out of the path to the source file, assumed to be stored accordingly: # /[...]/databasename/sourcefile.whatever # Extract the database name from the source path dbname = path.abspath(dbpath).split("/")[-2] # Join the dbname with the source file name source_name = path.basename(dbpath).split(".") dbname = "_".join([dbname,source_name[0]]) # Check if the database index file exists, *.cidx if path.isfile(str(dbpath)+".cidx"): usecdbyank = True else: usecdbyank = False errmessages.append("NOTE: cannot find "+str(dbpath)+".cidx,\n falling back to retrieving aligned domain from hmmsearch output\n") #print dbpath #troubleshooting sequences = [] for sequence in seqpositions.keys(): # For each tuple of positions (i.e. domain) that matched # against the model, retrieve the requested part from # the database. At each index position in the array, # there is a list of tuples with sequence positions. for domain in seqpositions[sequence]: # Extract sequences positions leftpos, rightpos = domain #seqpositions[domain][0] # Adjust from which positions to retrieve # sequences from source database. Correct if # outside bounds leftpos = int(leftpos)-extendleft if leftpos < 1: leftpos = 1 # No need to check for stepping outside sequence length to the right, # since cdbyank handles this rightpos = int(rightpos)+extendright if usecdbyank: # Create a system call to cdbyank cdbyank_call = ''.join(["cdbyank ", str(dbpath), ".cidx ", "-R -a ", "'", str(sequence), " ", str(leftpos), " ", str(rightpos), "'"]) # Parse the arguments for Popen cdbyank_args = shlex.split(cdbyank_call) #print cdbyank_call #DEBUG #print cdbyank_args #DEBUG # Run cdbyank through Popen and let it communicate stdout to # stdout variable, it will never contain more than one extended # retrieved sequence. stdout, stderr = subprocess.Popen(cdbyank_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() # If something went wrong, inform the user and retrieve only the # aligned part directly from hmmsearch output as fall back procedure! if stderr: errmessages.append("ERROR: cdbyank "+stderr+" when trying to retrieve "+sequence+"\n") # Append the database name and "source"/location to the FASTA # header of the retrieved extended sequnece before appending # it the the return sequence list extended_domain = stdout.split("\n") extended_domain[0] = ''.join([">",dbname,"_",extended_domain[0][1:]]) extended_domain = '\n'.join(extended_domain) sequences.append(str(extended_domain)) else: # Retrieve the sequence in question directly from hmmsearch # output instead. seq=[] # Empty this so we only have one sequence in here try: # Sequence needs to be a list even if it's only 1 seq vvvvvvvv seq = retrieve_sequences_from_hmmsearch(hmmfilepath, [sequence], 0, dbpath, func, longseqcutoff, longseqdef) sequences.append(seq[0]+"\n") except ValueError: errmessages.append("ERROR: Sequence "+sequence+" could not be retrieved.\n") return (sequences, errmessages) ######################### END extend_sequences_from_hmmsearch ##-----------------------------------------------## ## RETRIEVE SEQUENCES FROM HMMSEARCH ## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def retrieve_sequences_from_hmmsearch(filepath, seqid_list, min_score, dbpath, func="", longseqcutoff=75, longseqdef=85): ''' Retrieves aligned sequence parts from the hmmsearch output file for domains with scores above min_score. This function potentially requires a lot of memory! Input: filepath path to hmmsearch output file. seqid_list list with sequence IDs to retrieve. min_score the minimum domain score. dbpath path do the database where the sequences were hmmsearched from. func (lambda) function for use in classify_qnr. longseqcutoff longseqcutoff for use in classify_qnr. longseqthresh longseqthresh for use in classify_qnr. Output: seqsnutts a list with sequences parsed from the alignment. Errors: PathError raised if the hmmsearch output file can not be found at the specified location. ValueError raised if no sequences are found in the hmmsearch output file. ''' from os import path from string import maketrans import re # TODO: Make function check if --notextw was enabled #print ("NOTICE: Can only retrieve sequences from hmmsearch output if " # "hmmsearch option --notextw was enabled!") seqid_list = list(seqid_list) filepath = path.abspath(filepath) if not(path.exists(filepath)): raise PathError("ERROR: The path specified from which to parse sequence " "'coordinates' is not valid.") # Regular expression to match the score of the aligned domain regex_scores = r'\s+== domain\s+\d+\s+score:\s+(\d+\.\d)' regex_scores = re.compile(regex_scores) # Create a list that will hold the retrieved sequences with their # identifiers. sequences = [] # Name of the database and source file, to be appended to the sequence identifier # Parsed out of the path to the source file, assumed to be stored accordingly: # /[...]/databasename/sourcefile.whatever # Extract the database name from the source path dbname = path.abspath(dbpath).split("/")[-2] # Join the dbname with the source file name source_name = path.basename(dbpath).split(".") dbname = "_".join([dbname,source_name[0]]) file = open(filepath,"r") while file: line = file.readline() if line == "": break # EOF for sequenceID in seqid_list: if line.startswith(">>") and (sequenceID in line): # Append the database name to the sequence identifier sequence_identifier_line = ''.join([">",dbname,"_",line[3:]]) # Step down five lines; # they contain nothing of interest for a in xrange(0,5): line = file.readline() # We are currently on lines where there might be alignments alignments = True while alignments: scorematch = re.match(regex_scores,line) if scorematch is not None: current_domain_score = if float(current_domain_score) > float(min_score): # Read two more uninteresting lines with only # the aligned part of the sequence to the HMM file.readline() #Contains nothing of interest file.readline() #Contains nothing of interest line = file.readline() # this is the line we want! regex_domain = r'\s+([\w\.|\_-]+)\s+\d+\s([\w\*-]+)\s+\d+[\s\n]+' domainhit =,line) if domainhit is not None: # Use translate to remove dashes # and change to uppercase tr = maketrans("","") domain =,"-*") # PERFORM CLASSIFICATION OF DOMAIN HIT classification = classify_qnr(sequence_length=len(domain), domain_score=current_domain_score, func=func, longseqcutoff=longseqcutoff, longseqdef=longseqdef) # If the current domain sequence is classified as a potential # true hit, append it to the list of sequences if classification: sequences.append(''.join([sequence_identifier_line, domain])) line = file.readline() # Break when we reach the end of the alignments # for this sequence ID if line.startswith(">>"): alignments = False #break inner while loop elif line == "": break # EOF, breaks while loop #This should never happend if not sequences: raise ValueError # No sequence was found! # Format the sequences so that they conform # better to FASTA "standard" sequences = fixfasta(sequences) return sequences ############## END retrieve_sequences_from_hmmsearch ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## RETRIEVE SEQUENCES FROM DATABASE ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------##
[docs]def retrieve_sequences_from_db(dbpath, seqid_list, domain_scores, retr_seq_filepath, func="", longseqcutoff=75, longseqdef=85): ''' Retrieves complete source sequences to hits in hmmsearch from their source database files. It also classifies the hits and discards those that do not meet the criteria. It prepends the fasta headers with source information. Input: dbpath path to database FASTA file. seqid_list a list with sequence IDs to retrieve. domain_scores a list with domain scores for the sequences IDs. retr_seq_filepath path to output file. func (lambda) function for use in classify_qnr, if this is "" then classify_qnr will use a hardcoded function. longseqcutoff longseqcutoff for use in classify_qnr. longseqdef long sequence definition for use in classify_qnr Output: sequences a list with sequences errmessages a list with error messages (if any) Errors: ''' from sys import argv, exit import subprocess, shlex from os import path # List of strings with error message if any errmessages = [] # Make sure the seqid_list is a list seqid_list = list(seqid_list) # Name of the database and source file, to be appended to the sequence identifier # Parsed out of the path to the source file, assumed to be stored accordingly: # /[...]/databasename/sourcefile.whatever # Extract the database name from the source path dbname = path.abspath(dbpath).split("/")[-2] # Join the dbname with the source file name source_name = path.basename(dbpath).split(".") dbname = "_".join([dbname,source_name[0]]) # Make sure there is a cdbfasta index file, *.cidx: if path.isfile(str(dbpath)+".cidx"): usecdbyank = True else: usecdbyank = False errmessages.append("ERROR: No index file "+str(dbpath)+".cidx,\n Skipping\n") sequences = [] for sequence in seqid_list: if usecdbyank: # Create a system call to cdbyank cdbyank_call = ''.join(["cdbyank ", str(dbpath), ".cidx ", "-a", "'", str(sequence), "'"]) # Parse the arguments for Popen cdbyank_args = shlex.split(cdbyank_call) #print cdbyank_call #DEBUG #print cdbyank_args #DEBUG # Run cdbyank through Popen and let it communicate stdout to # stdout variable, it will never contain more than one retrieved # source sequence (though this could potentially be a VERY # large genome, and might crash the program if too large). stdout, stderr = subprocess.Popen(cdbyank_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() # If something went wrong, make possible to inform the user later! if stderr: errmessages.append("ERROR: cdbyank "+stderr+" trying to retrieve "+sequence+"\n") continue # Append the database file name and "source"/location to the FASTA # header before appending it the the return sequence list extended_domain = stdout.split("\n") extended_domain[0] = ''.join([">",dbname,"_",extended_domain[0][1:]]) extended_domain = '\n'.join(extended_domain) sequences.append(str(extended_domain)) return (sequences, errmessages) ######################### END retrieve_sequences_from_db ##-----------------------------------------------## ## UNIQUE:IFY SEQUENCE IDS ## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def uniqueify_seqids(sequences,filename): ''' Unique:ify sequences identifiers in fasta formatted sequences by adding an integer right after the sequence identifer at the first space. Input: sequences filename with sequences in fasta format to unique:ify filename the output filename for unique sequences Output: (None) The list of strings in fasta format with all sequences inputted sequences, now with added [integer] right after the sequence identifier, is written out to a file for further usage in the OS environment (i.e. in formatdb) Errors: ValueError raised if the input filenames are not valid PathError raised if the input filename path is invalid ''' from os import path import re if not(isinstance(sequences,str)): raise ValueError("Input sequences filename to uniqueify_seqids was not a string!") if not(isinstance(filename,str)): raise ValueError("Output filename to uniqueify_seqids was not a string!") # Open file for reading try: infile = open(path.abspath(sequences),'r') except OSError: raise PathError("ERROR: Path to file with sequence IDs to unique:ify is invalid!") try: outfile = open(path.abspath(filename),'w') except OSError: raise PathError("ERROR: The output filename for unique sequences could not be opened") # Compile a regular expression to match the sequence identifier string and # put it in two groups, first with sequence id and second with the # rest of the sequence identifier line. The unique number will be inserted # between the two. ss = re.compile(r'^>([\S\.\-\_]+)(.*\n)') # Removed a \s in (\s.*\n) at the end 201008xx number = 1 for line in infile: if line.startswith(">"): hit = re.match(ss,line) if hit is not None: # Append the number and attach the rest of the line # and write to outfile outfile.write(''.join([">",,"--",str(number),])) number = number + 1 else: # This would be the entire sequence on following lines until next ">" outfile.write(line) return ############## END uniqueify_seqids ##-----------------------------------------------## ## RUN BLASTCLUST ## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def run_blastclust(filename,PercentIdentity=90,CovThreshold=50,numcores=4): ''' Run formatdb to create a BLAST database, then run blastclust on that database to cluster all hits. Input: filename filename with sequences with unique ids to cluster. PercentIdentity the percent identity to cluster with, default is 90 %. CovThreshold the minimum length coverage threshold for clustering, default is 50 % (numcores) optional argument specifying the number of cores to run blastclust on, default is 4 and 0 means all available. Output: (None) Writes output to a file, 'filename.clusters' that contains all identified clusters on each row. Errors: PathError raied if there is something wrong with the paths to output or input files. ValueError raised if there is something wrong ''' from os import path import shlex, subprocess if not(path.exists(path.abspath(filename))): raise PathError("ERROR: The path to unique sequence id hit file is incorrect") # Create string for calling the subprocess 'formatdb' formatdb_call = ''.join(["formatdb -t SignificantHits_UniqueSeqIDs -i ",filename]) try: formatdb = shlex.split(formatdb_call) return_text = "Created BLAST database with unique sequence IDs" except OSError: return_text = "The formatdb command could not be run:", formatdb_call # Run blastclust in a similar way if not isinstance(CovThreshold,str): CovThreshold = str(CovThreshold) if not isinstance(PercentIdentity,str): PercentIdentity = str(PercentIdentity) if not isinstance(numcores,str): numcores = str(numcores) blastclust_call = ''.join(["blastclust -d ",path.abspath(filename), " -S ",PercentIdentity, " -a ",numcores, " -L ",CovThreshold, " -o ",filename,".clusters"]) try: blastclust = shlex.split(blastclust_call) blastclust_output = subprocess.Popen(blastclust,\ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,\ stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() except OSError: returnstring = ''.join(["ERROR: Blastclust could not be run. Is it properly installed?\n", "The following call was made: $", blastclust_call]) return ("error",returnstring) return (return_text,blastclust_output) ############## END run_blastclust ##-----------------------------------------------## ## PARSE OUTPUT FROM BLASTCLUST ## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def parse_blastclust(filename): ''' Parses blastclust output into a nested list structure Input: filename filename of blastclust output Output: sequenceIDs list of sequence IDs with unique identifiers right after the '>' symbol Errors: PathError raised if the file does not exists ValueError rasied if no unique identifiers could be found and removed ''' from os import path if not(path.isfile(path.abspath(filename))): raise PathError("ERROR: The blastclust output file could not be opened") try: filepath = path.abspath(filename) file = open(filepath,'r') except OSError: print "ERROR: Could not open", filepath exit(1) sequenceIDs = [] for line in file: sequenceIDs.append(line.rstrip("\n ").split(" ")) if sequenceIDs == []: raise ValueError return sequenceIDs ############## END parse_blastclust ##-----------------------------------------------## ## DE-UNIQUEIFY SEQUENCE IDS ## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def deuniqueify_seqids(sequenceIDs,readfile=False): ''' Removes unique identifiers appended to sequence IDs in fasta format by 'uniqueify_seqids'. Second option is to read a file and de-unique:ify the sequence identifiers found in that file; the file formats understood are regular fasta and clustalw output. Input: sequenceIDs list of sequence IDs (parsed from blastclust output) readfile boolean determining whether sequenceIDs contains a filename to read and correct rather than a list of sequence IDs parsed from blastclust. Output: sequenceIDs list of sequence IDs without unique identifiers right after the '>' symbol None if readfile was true nothing is return, instead changes are written directly to file. Errors: ValueError rasied if no unique identifiers could be found and removed PathError raised if there was some error regarding the file to be read. ''' from os import path import re if readfile: try: filein = open(path.abspath(sequenceIDs),'r') fileout = open(path.abspath(sequenceIDs+".restored"),'w') except OSError: raise PathError("Could not open multiple alignment file to de-uniqueify!") line = filein.readline() # FASTA FORMAT if line.startswith(">"): print "FASTA format detected" regex = r'^(>[\S\.-_]+)--\d+(\s.*\n)' regex = re.compile(regex) hit = re.match(regex,line) if hit is not None: fileout.write(''.join([,])) else: print "Parse error of first line!!" return while filein: line = filein.readline() if line == "": break hit = re.match(regex,line) if hit is not None: fileout.write(''.join([,])) else: fileout.write(line) # CLUSTAL FORMAT elif line.startswith("CLUSTAL"): print "ClustalW format detected" regex = r'([\S\-_]+)(--\d+)(\s+.*\n)' regex = re.compile(regex) fileout.write(line) spacesize = 0 while filein: line = filein.readline() if line == "": break hit = re.match(regex,line) if hit is not None: fileout.write(''.join([,])) spacesize = len( else: fileout.write(line[spacesize:]) # UNKNOWN FORMAT; DIE else: print "No known format detected; accepts only CLUSTAL or fasta" return # NOT READING FROM FILE BUT FROM LIST OF SEQUENCES else: clean_sequenceIDs = [] for cluster in sequenceIDs: temp_cluster = [] # Temporary storage of cluster members for seqID in cluster: # Match the number at the end and remove it pattern = r'([\S\-_]+)--\d+' found = re.match(pattern,seqID) if found is not(None): temp_cluster.append( clean_sequenceIDs.append(temp_cluster) if clean_sequenceIDs == []: raise ValueError return clean_sequenceIDs ############## END deuniqueify_seqids ##-----------------------------------------------## ## MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT WITHIN AND BETWEEN CLUSTERS## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def malign_clusters(clusters,resdir,refseqpath,workdir): ''' Reads clusters and from file reads complete sequences for the sequence IDs specified in the clusters. Note that it reads sequences from the filename 'workdir'/retrieved_sequences.fasta. The function assumes that MAFFT is installed and accessible through the PATH variable or in the current directory. If refseqpath is empty the function does not align against any reference sequences. Has hardcoded the names of the five plasmid mediated Qnr-genes on line 1029. Input: clusters nested list stucture with clusters. resdir directory to output results. refseqpath path to file with reference qnr sequence in fasta format. Can be an empty string if no reference sequences are to be aligned against. workdir working directory with temporary files (unique_retrieved_sequences.fasta.shortened). Output: (none) Writes multiple alignments to file: resdir/cluster*.aligned Errors: PathError raised if retrieved_sequences.fasta could not be opened/found. ''' from os import path, system import re import shlex, subprocess # USER EDITABLE LIST WITH REFERENCE GENES references = ["QnrA","QnrB","QnrC","QnrD","QnrS"] # Can be modified! # Read the file with sequences, fixed filename # Each element in the list is a sequence sequences = [] tempseqid = "" tempseq = "" try: seqfile = open(''.join([workdir,"unique_retrieved_sequences.fasta.shortened"]),'r') for line in seqfile: if line.startswith(">"): sequences.append(''.join([tempseqid,tempseq])) tempseqid = line tempseq = "" elif not line.startswith(">"): tempseq = ''.join([tempseq,line]) sequences.append(''.join([tempseqid,tempseq])) except OSError: raise PathError(''.join(["Could not open/find ",workdir,"'unique_retrieved_sequences.fasta'"])) ## Not using clustalw any more, the log-file business has been commented out on purpose! # Perform multiple alignment between members of clusters and write log # of clustalw stuff to 'workdir'/clustalw.log #clustalwlogfile = open(path.abspath(''.join([workdir,'clustalw.log'])),'w') clusterno = 0 for cluster in clusters: # Perform multiple alignment within cluster if there are # more than one members in cluster if len(cluster) > 1: # Create file and open it for writing with proper name clusterno = clusterno + 1 malignfilepath = path.abspath(''.join([resdir,"cluster", str(clusterno)])) malignfile = open(malignfilepath,"w") # Find sequences for all sequence IDs in cluster and write to file for seqid in cluster: for sequence in sequences: if seqid in sequence: malignfile.write(sequence) malignfile.close() # Set parameters etc for clustalw and make alignment infilepath = malignfilepath outfilepath = ''.join([malignfilepath,".aligned"]) mafft_call = ''.join(["mafft --quiet ",infilepath," > ",outfilepath]) errors = system(mafft_call) if errors != 0: return 2 # Error code for mafft error # The following code has been commented out because the # usage of mafft is preferred over clustalw. It can be # reused if one prefers clustalw. # It does produce worse alignments, especially over sequences # of very different lengths... #clustalw_call = ''.join(["clustalw -INFILE=",infilepath, # " -OUTFILE=",outfilepath]) #args = shlex.split(mafft_call) #clustalwlog = subprocess.Popen(args,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() #if not len(clustalwlog[0]) == 0: # clustalwlogfile.write(clustalwlog[0]) if clusterno == 0: #print "\n!! --- No clusters contained more than one member (only singletons)\n" return 1 # No need to stay here, lets go home to our box on the highway # If refseqpath is empty just skip over # this alignment against reference sequences. if refseqpath is not "": # Read the reference sequences from the path specified # Each element in the list is a complete sequence refsequences = [] tempseqid = "" tempseq = "" try: seqfile = open(refseqpath,'r') for line in seqfile: if line.startswith(">"): refsequences.append(''.join([tempseqid,tempseq])) tempseqid = line tempseq = "" elif not line.startswith(">"): tempseq = ''.join([tempseq,line]) refsequences.append(''.join([tempseqid,tempseq])) except OSError: raise PathError(''.join(["ERROR: cannot open", refseqpath])) # Perform multiple alignment against all reference plasmid mediated qnr-genes # for each cluster clusterno = 0 for cluster in clusters: if len(cluster) > 1: clusterno = clusterno + 1 for reference in references: malignfilepath = path.abspath(''.join([resdir,"ref",reference, ".cluster",str(clusterno)])) malignfile = open(malignfilepath,"w") # Find sequences for all sequence IDs in cluster and write to file for seqid in cluster: for sequence in sequences: if seqid in sequence: malignfile.write(sequence) # Also write the reference gene to the same file for refseq in refsequences: if reference in refseq: malignfile.write(refseq) malignfile.close() # Set parameters etc for clustalw and make alignment infilepath = malignfilepath outfilepath = ''.join([malignfilepath,".aligned"]) mafft_call = ''.join(["mafft --quiet ",infilepath," > ",outfilepath]) errors = system(mafft_call) if errors != 0: return 2 # Error code for mafft error # The following code has been commented out because the # usage of mafft is preferred over clustalw. It can be # reused if one prefers clustalw. Using clustalw is # 'safer' in a system sense, but gives less good alignments... #clustalw_call = ''.join(["clustalw -INFILE=",infilepath, # " -OUTFILE=",outfilepath]) #args = shlex.split(mafft_call) #clustalwlog = subprocess.Popen(args,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() #if not len(clustalwlog[0]) == 0: # clustalwlogfile.write(clustalwlog[0]) return ############## END malign_clusters ##-----------------------------------------------## ## LIMIT SEQUENCE LENGTH ## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def limit_sequence_length(sequencefile,MAX_LINES=64): ''' Takes a sequence file and shortens all sequences it to the MAX_LINES supplied. It is divided by inserting the sequence ID header ">seqid...." after the maximum sequence length position, thus creating several smaller sequence segments with the same sequence ID and header line. Recommended MAX_LINES is 64 (64 lines of 80 amino acid residues = 5120). As the function splits at "\n" characters it requires the fasta file to keep sequences on several lines - fasta files with sequences on a single line will NOT work. Input: sequencefile filename string. MAX_LINES maximum number of lines for one sequence, defaults to 64. Output: (none) Writes directly to disk to 'sequencefile.shortened'. Errors: PathError raised if there is something wrong with path ''' from os import path if not path.isfile(path.abspath(sequencefile)): raise PathError(''.join(["ERROR: Path ",sequencefile," is not a valid file!"])) try: file = open(path.abspath(sequencefile),'r') outfile = open(path.abspath(sequencefile+'.shortened'),'w') except OSError: raise PathError("Could not open sequence and/or output file!") # Reads the ENTIRE file into memory - it is assumed # that the number of sequences retrieved does not # require more memory than what can fit into memory. entire_file = # Splits at all sequences but the first (it does not start with a newline) # This method introduces an empty line between the first and following # sequences if it is split up, assumed non dangerous but still noted. sequences = entire_file.split("\n>") first = True # To give special treatment to first sequence seqout = [] for sequence in sequences: if not sequence == "": if first: # Already has initial ">" lines = sequence.splitlines(True) seqout = [] counter = 0 else: # Add the'\n>' that was removed sequence = ''.join(["\n>",sequence]) lines = sequence.splitlines(True) seqout = [] counter = 0 # Reset, starting with new sequence for line in lines: # Add lines of sequence until MAX_LINES, # then add sequence identifier again and # continue until end of sequence if counter > MAX_LINES: if first: if not(lines[0].endswith("\n")): seqout.append(''.join([lines[0],"\n"])) else: seqout.append(lines[0]) else: # The following sequences # got split at the initial '\n' # an the identifier is thus in # element 1 instead of 0 if not(lines[1].endswith("\n")): seqout.append(''.join([lines[1],"\n"])) else: seqout.append(lines[1]) if not(line.endswith("\n")): seqout.append(''.join([line,"\n"])) else: seqout.append(line) counter = 0 else: seqout.append(line) counter = counter + 1 #seqout.append("") # Probably not needed... first = False # Now the first has been processed outfile.write(''.join(seqout)) return ############## END limit_sequence_length ##-----------------------------------------------## ## RETRIEVE SEQUENCES FROM FASTA ## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def retrieve_sequences_from_fasta(fastapath,seqid_list): ''' Retrieves sequence(s) from a fasta file. Python implementation so it is a bit slow, not intended for retrieving sequences from large databases. Input: fastapath string with path to fasta file seqid_list list with sequence IDs to retrieve Output: sequences list of strings in fasta format with all sequences to retrieve, containing linebreaks after sequence ID headers. Errors: PathError raised if the supplied path does not exists or something related to that. ValueError raised if no sequences are found in the database. ''' from os import path fastapath = path.abspath(fastapath) if not(path.isfile(fastapath)): raise PathError("ERROR: Path to fasta file is incorrect.") seqid_list = list(seqid_list) db = open(fastapath,"r") sequences = [] #PREALLOC #print "Trying to retrieve",len(seqid_list),"sequences from fasta file:", fastapath seq_counter = 0 line = db.readline() while db: if line.startswith(">"): #Reached sequence descriptor line for id in seqid_list: if id in line: seq_counter = seq_counter + 1 sequencestring = line seq = True while seq: line = db.readline() if not(line.startswith(">")): sequencestring = ''.join([sequencestring,line]) elif line.startswith(">"): seq = False sequences.append(sequencestring) else: line = db.readline() if seqid_list == []: break elif line == "": # EOF db = False else: line = db.readline() if sequences == []: raise ValueError # No sequence was found! #print "Retrieved",seq_counter,"sequences from file" return sequences ############## END retrieve_sequences_from_fasta ##-----------------------------------------------## ## CLEANUP ## ##-----------------------------------------------##
[docs]def cleanup(tmpdir,exitcode=0): ''' Cleans up (moves) error.log and formatdb.log to specified tmp directory Input: tmpdir name of the temporary directory to which to move the two log files. exitcode the exitcode to give the shell, defaults to 0. Output: (none) Errors: (none) Will print error messages to stderr if the files does not exist or could not be moved. ''' import shlex, subprocess from sys import exit args = shlex.split("mv error.log formatdb.log "+tmpdir) out = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() if out[1] != "": pass ##-----------------------------------------------## ## CUSTOM EXCEPTIONS ## ##-----------------------------------------------## # fluff.PathError General error with path
class PathError(Exception): def __init__(self,message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return repr(self.message) # fluff.ParseError General error when parsing class ParseError(Exception): def __init__(self,message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return repr(self.message) ############################################################################### ## HERE FOLLOWS DEPRECATED AND OLD, ## ## BADLY PERFORMING CODE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE ## ############################################################################### ###-----------------------------------------------## ### RETRIEVE SEQUENCES FROM DB ## OLD SLOW PYTHON ###-----------------------------------------------## #def retrieve_sequences_from_db_old(dbpath,seqid_list): # ''' # Retrieves sequence(s) from a sequence database # Input: # dbpath string with path to database # seqid_list list with sequence IDs to retrieve # Output: # sequences list of strings in fasta format with all # sequences to retrieve, containing # linebreaks after sequence ID headers. # Errors: # PathError raised if the supplied path does not # exists or something related to that. # ValueError raised if no sequences are found in the # database. # ''' # # from os import path # # dbpath = path.abspath(dbpath) # if not(path.isfile(dbpath)): # raise PathError("ERROR: Path specified in the hmmsearch output is not valid.") # # # seqid_list = list(seqid_list) # db = open(dbpath,"r") # sequences = [] #PREALLOC # # print "Trying to retrieve",len(seqid_list),"sequences from database:", dbpath # seq_counter = 0 # while db: # line = db.readline() # if line.startswith(">"): #Reached sequence descriptor line # for id in seqid_list: # if id in line: # seqid_list.remove(id) # seq_counter = seq_counter + 1 # sequencestring = line # seq = True # while seq: # line = db.readline() #.rstrip("\n") # if not(line.startswith(">")): # sequencestring = ''.join([sequencestring,line]) # elif line.startswith(">"): # seq = False # sequences.append(sequencestring) # # if seqid_list == []: # break # # elif line == "": # EOF # db = False # # if sequences == []: # raise ValueError # No sequence was found! # # print "Retrieved",seq_counter,"sequences from database" # return sequences ############### END retrieve_sequences_from_db_old ###-----------------------------------------------## ### RETRIEVE SEQUENCES FROM DB ## ###-----------------------------------------------## #def retrieve_sequences_from_db(dbpath,seqid_list,outfile): # ''' # Retrieves sequence(s) from a sequence database. Requires # the database to have an indexfile in the same folder # called database.index. # THIS SHOULD BE REMADE TO MAKE USE OF CDBFASTA # # Input: # dbpath string with path to database # seqid_list list with sequence IDs to retrieve # outfile argument with path to output file, # Output: # (none) Writes output directly to file # specified in argument 'outfile'. # Errors: # PathError raised if the supplied path does not # exists or something related to that. # ''' # # from os import path # import shlex, subprocess # # dbpath = path.abspath(dbpath) # if not(path.isfile(dbpath)): # raise PathError("ERROR: Path specified in the hmmsearch output is not valid.") # # # seqid_list = list(seqid_list) # # print "Trying to retrieve",len(seqid_list),"sequences from database:", dbpath # count = 0 # for seqid in seqid_list: # retrseq_call = ''.join([' ',seqid,' ',dbpath,' ',outfile]) # retrseqdb = shlex.split(retrseq_call) # try: # output = subprocess.Popen(retrseqdb,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() # if 'No such file or directory' in output[1]: # pass #There is probably no index file for the database # elif not len(output[1]) == 0: # count = count + 1 # except OSError: # print "Could not find", retrseqdb[0] # # if count == 0: # print ("Could not retrieve any sequences from database: "+dbpath+ # " ,is it missing an index-file?") # else: # print "Retrieved",count,"sequences from database" # return ############### END retrieve_sequences_from_db