.. _download: ######## Download ######## Download Tentacle ***************** There are several ways to acquire Tentacle. The easiest is to just download and install Tentacle directly from the `Bitbucket repository`_:: (tentacle_env)$ pip install -e hg+http://bitbucket.org/chalmersmathbioinformatics/tentacle/#egg=Tentacle This process is further described in :ref:`installation`. If this for some reason does not work for you, another possibility is to download a release tarball from our servers and install it using ``pip``:: (tentacle_env)$ wget http://bioinformatics.math.chalmers.se/tentacle/download/tentacle-0.1.0b.tar.gz (tentacle_env)$ pip install tentacle-0.1.0b.tar.gz The third option is to download it directly from the `Bitbucket repository`_ using your browser of choice. .. _Bitbucket repository: https://bitbucket.org/chalmersmathbioinformatics/tentacle As a last resort if everything else fails, the entire `Bitbucket repository`_ can be cloned and used to install Tentacle without downloading a compressed archive. Clone the repository using Mercurial (``hg``) like this:: hg clone http://hg@bitbucket.org/chalmersmathbioinformatics/tentacle tentacle You can then follow the instructions in :ref:`installation` to install Tentacle from the repository clone. Tutorial data ************* To follow the tutorial you need the data referred to by the tutorial instructions. It can be downloaded from here: http://bioinformatics.math.chalmers.se/tentacle/download/tentacle_tutorial.tar.gz