

To break the rules, you must first master them
Audemars Piguet

One of the most exciting aspects of systems biology is integration of diverse disciplines, ranging from mathematics to molecular biology. Mathematical methods are crucial to move us from describing biological processes, to predicting their behavior and to manipulate them by giving new clues and possible targets, and so bring us an important step closer to medical application.
We are using mathematical modeling to deeper understand aging and age associated molecular processes as well as their implications on age-dependent diseases. As life expectancy is increasing there is a strong need to ensure a healthy old age. Ageing is by far the biggest risk factor for a wide range of prevalent clinical conditions such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's. Given that ageing, as many age-related diseases are driven by accumulated damage (known as aggregates), finding the way for repairing and removing age-related cellular aggregates is crucial for preventing, curing and treating age-associated diseases. In the new era of biology and medicine, mathematical modeling of complex biological phenomena and diseases has become a fundamental approach for combining, interpreting, and analyzing the vast amount of accumulating data gathered in biological investigations. Obtaining a detailed mechanistic understanding through mathematical modeling of damage driven processes will have major implications in the study of aging at a cellular level and will facilitate experimental approaches.



2016-06-22 Marija speaks about the importance of systems biology education

2016-06-16 Marija talks at P3 radio station: Predicting winners of Polar Music Prize!

2016-05-26 Our paper on Systems Biology education is out!

2016-03-24 We are looking for a post-doc!

2016-03-14 Marija talks at P4 radio station about Pi-day!

2016-01-025 Marija talks at P4 radio station about ageing!

2016-01-20 We are looking for a Phd student!

2015-12-15 We are looking for a post-doc!

2015-10-20 Hasselblad grant to Marija Cvijovic

2015-09-01 Erik Loren is working on his master thesis with us. Welcome!

2015-08-17 Johannes Borgqvist joins the Lab as a PhD student. Welcome!

2015-05-08 Framtidens Forskning: Interview with Marija

2015-05-04 Workshop: From Functional Genomics to Systems Biology and Systems Medicine, Ljubljana,   
                    Slovenia (deadline May 25)

2015-04-16 Vetenskapsfestivalen: Jakten på ungdomens källa, eller varför Gilgamesh borde ha studerat matematik

2015-03-14 Sju frågor om Pi-dagen...

2015-02-15 7th International Practical Course in Systems Biology, Göteborg, Sweden (deadline March 27)

2014-12-23 We are looking for a Phd student!

2014-12-19 Tre frågor till Marija Cvijovic

2014-11-10 Interview with Marija Cvijovic, Naturvetenskapliga Utbildningar

2014-08-21 Interview with Marija Cvijovic

2014-10-10 mentor4research movie project is out

2014-06-16 SSF grant to Marija Cvijovic

2013-11-18 Finals of mentor4research program in Stockholm






Marija Cvijovic | marija (dot) cvijovic (at) chalmers (dot) se | +46(0)31 772 53 21